Luis Melendez is perhaps the most accomplished still life artist throughout history, and certainly the leader in 18th century Spain, which is saying a lot considering the caliber of artists generated in Spain. Fortunately for Bostonians, an impressive collection of Melendez’ works are on exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts MFA in Boston. Borrowed from collections around the world, the Melendez’ exhibit is here for 15 weeks total, departing on the 9th of May. Reaching its half way point, the exhibit has garnered much recognition already. The New York Times says, “[it’s] a spelndid show.” The Boston Globe announces that Melendez’ work is “astonishingly beautiful.” At Clarendon Square, Boston’s Boutique Bed and Breakfast, we would have to agree. Once you see the show you will understand why they say Melendez managed to capture every species of food produced by the Spanish climate.
We are not surprised the show was a success. The MFA never lets any of our Boston tourists down. We know that many people staying at our hotel find the MFA to be a highlight of Boston. It certainly is for us. Surely the MFA is filled with travellers from all the best boutique hotels in Boston, but many Boston locals have annual memberships so you will definitely catch some local & international flair upon your visit.
Clarendon Square Inn – a B&B in Boston MA